Tag: nano

Training for the race…

finish-lineEvery year, a local jeweler hosts something called a Diamond Dash. It’s essentially a scavenger hunt, cleverly disguised as an opportunity to win a diamond ring. You pay to enter, and using your phone (to get SMS alerts), and any other means (i.e. bikes/scooters/segways/hoverboards/feet/etc…), you run your butt ragged around a downtown metropolitan area (complete with regular traffic) to find clues and solve riddles, which in turn, earns you points to possibly get a chance to win some cool stuff.

Sounds pretty cool, right? Not when you’re close to 300 pounds and a very competitive couch potato, it seems.

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It’s about friggin’ time Spring got here…

file000541561127I know I’m not the only one that’s been standing here, tapping my foot and waiting for Spring to finally pop its sleepy head around the corner. But enough about that…

Have you ever noticed that when a holiday is coming soon, that people start getting excited about it? I mean, a good holiday like Christmas or Valentine’s Day or the Fourth of July, not one of those crappy holidays (I’m looking at you, President’s Day).

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Turning off the editor inside…

sw_editing_n10_20130809_230442If you’re anything like me, you’ve been ingrained with this inner editor (I call mine, Mr. Editor) based upon years and years of school trying to prevent you from embarrassing yourself. Or, maybe you don’t… maybe you have this niggling little feeling deep inside when something just doesn’t sound right… or flow correctly. Whatever you may happen to have… how do we turn it off while writing?

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