Category: Uncategorized

I’m not motivated enough to make a title…

Today’s blogging prompt comes to you from the fine folks that make motivational posters: 11. What motivates you?

First of all, what kind of question is that? Motivates me to do what? Write? Go to a job that doesn’t pay well? Live in what I believe to be one of the prettiest places in America? What, prompt?

Since I have a blog dedicated to writing (it’s in the URL, even), I’ll take the cue and go with what motivates me to write. At first, it was to get an idea that was taking up precious brain space out of there. Ever had a popcorn kernel stuck behind a tooth you just couldn’t reach? It was kinda like that. Annoying… at times painful… just… AAARRgghhh!
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Good news everybody…

I’m not dead yet! That, and the reason I’ve dropped off the face of the earth has been because of the book… Mal-adaptive is just about ready to publish. I’ll be releasing it into the wilds of Amazon this week.

I’m going to keep the pricing as simple as I can. Free for people who have Kindle Unlimited, $5 for the ebook version, and $10 for a print-on-demand copy.

While I have failed in posting a blog entry every week, I’m doing my best to keep the publishing and writing promise I made. Hopefully, after the rush of releasing another book wears off, I can get back to writing some insightful and ridiculous blog entries. Until then, enjoy the beginning of 2017.

A NaNoWriMo pre-flight checklist…

3707263569_5c0e1ba45d_zNaNoWriMo is now only a few days away, and millions of people are scrambling to prepare for the event. Although, if you’re a pantser like me, it may not be much of what others would term ‘preparation’.

So, in the vein of being like a Boy Scout, I’d like to give you 7 tips that should help you out with nano. These are in no particular order and are directed at pantsers and plotters alike (no bias here).

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