Category: Challenge (Page 2 of 4)

The search…

Once they were able to get the temporal boundary lock working, it was only a matter of time before someone stupid enough to look for it would try. A self-proclaimed ‘Urban Legend’ scientist, Professor Quark spent millions of dollars in the hunt for many of the world’s imaginary creatures.

After a dozen or so failures, he was beginning to scrape the bottom of the proverbial barrel. That’s when the TBL was released. In a fit of passion, he purchased one of the first working prototypes and set off for wetter areas of the country. After a quick search, North Idaho was chosen… only because there were a series of quick, intermittent storms supposed to be rolling through.
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*Loud, thumping music goes here*…

Okay… today’s prompt is: 5. Tell us about your July 4th celebration. Don’t forget the pictures! If I write about my “celebration”, you guys are gonna fall asleep… because that’s what I did. The only thing I think you could call celebratory about my evening was grilling up some steaks. Other than that, I went to bed with the sound of explosions going off all around me. I’m so fun.

So, today it looks like I get to talk off the beaten path. Yesterday, I was talking to one of my friends on Chatzy, and she mentioned that it would be nice if I could blog about music… or more specifically, the music I listen to while writing. That means that today’s blog post is brought to you by EDM!
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An independent cry for attention…

Happy 4th of July… kinda. If you’re an American, this is the day that you’re supposed to celebrate our nation becoming what it is today. Instead, I’m writing a blog post. Day 4’s prompt: Tell us what independence means to you. Well, that’s not a loaded question if there ever was one.

So, as I like to do in these instances, I’ll start off with the dictionary definition and go from there. According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, independence is: the quality or state of being independent. Cleared that right up. Let’s look up independent: not dependent. Wow, guys… we are wording today! Breaking out the shovel and digging further, we get to dependent: relying on another for support -or- subject to another’s jurisdiction. There are other definitions, but I think these’ll be good for the original question.

As we learn in U.S. History (at least, we’re supposed to), England first began colonizing the Americas in 1607. We gained our independence in 1775. *brain smokes from math* That’s 168 years. Today, we’re celebrating 242 years of independence. That is one single generation longer as a country, than before. Sitting here thinking that we’ve been the United States of America only 74 years longer than we were colonies under England… is odd.

So, what does independence mean to me?
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A political fervor…

Day 3, and I’m not burned out just yet (I know, it’s early in the daily game). Today’s question is a hot one: 3. Would you ever want to run for political office? Why or why not? *pulls on his asbestos pants* *leans in closer to the microphone on the podium* “No.”

Have I ever given any serious thought to running for political office? That one’s more of a ‘maybe, just a little’ kind of answer. There are many reasons why I would… but they are extremely counterbalanced by the reasons why I never will. Some of those reasons are:

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Friends around the world…

Today’s prompt is: 2. How do you stay in touch with far-away friends? But I’m gonna switch it up a little… (yes, already)

Since I don’t have many (read: any) local friends, I seem to find 99% of them online. More specifically, my social network is very much digital. While I have my facebook account, where the people I’m related to chatter about their lives and whatnot, I don’t follow many people I would term ‘friends’ there (of course, there are always a few exceptions). I also have a twitter account (where some of you may have found the link to this post), but again, not a bucket of people I would ‘fess up to calling friends.
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A new chapter…

Normally, this month would require me to be focused on either writing or editing a story. I’ve decided not to do that. Instead, this month will be focused on the blog… the terribly neglected and woefully underused blog that you’re reading at this moment.

Since I enjoy the challenge that NaNo/Camp NaNo provides, I’ll just readjust it into a ‘blog post a day, every day, for a month’ challenge. To do that, I’ve looked around the internet for prompts (there are plenty, btw) and have decided to go with this one from The Sway. I think most of them are things I can write about, with only a few that I’ll be changing up a little to fit my format a little better. So, without further ado, my first prompt of the month…
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MFW I look at the daunting task ahead of me…

*crawls out from under a rock* *squints at the light* “Oh! Hey.” *contemplates crawling back under the rock*

It’s the middle of May, and I’m sitting here looking at the things I’ve done… and the things I need to do… and feeling disappointed with both.

There’s been some progress. My latest book, Praising Kane, is in the hands of a few beta readers (still need more, if you’re interested). I’ve also caught the inkling of a new story and have begun to write again. It feels very strange after having edited two books in a row.

None of that is helping with the fact that I have just under 2 1/2 months until my yearly goal promises need to be reached. That, compounded with the wacky work schedule (they’ve begun to have me work almost every weekend), is making it an even greater challenge. Which leads me to the brain rambling…

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Training for the race…

finish-lineEvery year, a local jeweler hosts something called a Diamond Dash. It’s essentially a scavenger hunt, cleverly disguised as an opportunity to win a diamond ring. You pay to enter, and using your phone (to get SMS alerts), and any other means (i.e. bikes/scooters/segways/hoverboards/feet/etc…), you run your butt ragged around a downtown metropolitan area (complete with regular traffic) to find clues and solve riddles, which in turn, earns you points to possibly get a chance to win some cool stuff.

Sounds pretty cool, right? Not when you’re close to 300 pounds and a very competitive couch potato, it seems.

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What NaNoWriMo means to me…

5480287683_fc37f97588_zNaNoWriMo (the short version of National Novel Writing Month) is only 2 weeks away. Among the writing group, we just shorten it to nano and we understand that we’re not discussing very tiny robots or electronics.

During nano, people around the world are typing/writing furiously to pull 50,000 words (nothing says they have to be good words) from their brain. Some people find this easy. Some find it to be one of the most difficult things they’ve ever tried. But what is nano to me?

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A new start…

chickToday isn’t anything special. It’s the first day of many Augusts I’ve lived through. It’s the day before I turn 44 years old. It’s a hot summer day like many we’ve had before. But what if I made it special?

What if I decide to mark this day in my life as a marker. A beginning of something new? Set it down for all (well, those that visit this site) to see… a statement of intent and purpose. Instead of a new year’s resolution, I think I’ll do it on my own terms. August is kinda special for me, so I’ll use that as my flag in the ground.

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