Category: Artwork

A post about drawing or ATCs.

Get your popcorn ready…

First thing’s first. Check this out: FILM ANNOUNCEMENT! After that, why don’t you hop on over here to find out a little more.

  1. The excitement of knowing that something you wrote is going to be made into a movie is inexpressible.
  2. Knowing it’s also going to be a movie shot in 3D makes the excitement unbearable.
  3. Looking at the timeframe it takes to make a movie is sobering.

While this post is mostly announcing the fact that someone thought something I wrote was interesting enough to try to make into a movie… it also gives me a chance to talk about something else that has had an impact on my life as a writer. Tempering excitement.

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Making all the stuff…

I’ve been hooked by the 3D printing bug. Over there, you should see the very first thing I’ve 3D printed that I designed on my own.

I got a small 3D printer for Christmas, and have been scouring sites like Thingiverse and My Mini Factory for models to print. I’ve printed off a few benchys and a Fuckofftopus or two. I’ve made a keychain for a co-worker and my kiddo… played around with vase mode with some translucent filament, and as I’m typing this, the dress of a fairy is being printed (upside down). I’ve been having a blast with this thing… and also feeling a bit guilty for it becoming a distraction from editing.

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Are you kidding?

kittyNot sure if you knew this or not, but I dabble in artwork as well as writing. I’ve been drawing and scribbling down crazy characters and animals for a lot longer than I’ve been a writer.

I found out about these things called ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) from a website called atcsforall. I signed up and participated in a few swaps (a theme is picked and you send your cards to someone in the mail… then they shuffle all the cards and everyone gets something from different people that participated in the swap). I found it extremely fun to get baseball card sized bits of artwork from all around the world. CLICK HERE to see a gallery of some of the cards I’ve done.

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The cover…

file9141267495225Now we get to the cover… that one part of our book that you’re not supposed to judge it by. (yeah, right) This topic alone has so many links and directions to head out to on the internet, that just researching book covers is an adventure all its own.So, since this is the nitty gritty version of getting our book published, we’re gonna go for the quick and easy steps that you can take to get a book cover.

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