Editor’s Note: All of the information that follows, pertains to the KDP Kindle Unlimited program that you can opt into. It’s not mandatory, but if you do, you are making a promise not to sell your book through any other site… only on Amazon.
Editor’s Note: All of the information that follows, pertains to the KDP Kindle Unlimited program that you can opt into. It’s not mandatory, but if you do, you are making a promise not to sell your book through any other site… only on Amazon.
So, in the vein of being like a Boy Scout, I’d like to give you 7 tips that should help you out with nano. These are in no particular order and are directed at pantsers and plotters alike (no bias here).
During nano, people around the world are typing/writing furiously to pull 50,000 words (nothing says they have to be good words) from their brain. Some people find this easy. Some find it to be one of the most difficult things they’ve ever tried. But what is nano to me?
The idea that someone could win the lottery when their life was spiraling down the toilet hooked my brain, so I decided to write about it. What follows, is the rumination of someone down on their luck… and a whole bunch of wishful thinking.
*WARNING* There’s some language in here… but it very much enhances the mood of the story.
So I’m sitting here, watching the clock on the wall tick down the seconds and minutes until it’s too late to do anything and I can mark down ‘failed’ in my promise box I made a few short months ago.
What does this have to do with writing? Well, let me tell you. A couple of people in my writing group are trying to write this way. They set up a plan to write for a week. One day ‘on’, one day ‘off’. This ensures that not only do they get their writing time in, it also allows for fun.
My question has an underlying focus. There are times where we, as writers, sometimes write ourselves into a corner, or have created a plot hole so big, it’s more like a black hole, sucking at everything in existence. I’ve had uncooperative characters, or ones that magically appeared out of nowhere and jumped into my story.
I found out about these things called ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) from a website called atcsforall. I signed up and participated in a few swaps (a theme is picked and you send your cards to someone in the mail… then they shuffle all the cards and everyone gets something from different people that participated in the swap). I found it extremely fun to get baseball card sized bits of artwork from all around the world. CLICK HERE to see a gallery of some of the cards I’ve done.
We all had to go to school (I hope). And chances are, we were all pressured to do the best we could when it came to ‘earning’ our grades. I remember a good friend that would always talk to me about how their mom would pressure him to get those A’s and not settle for anything less. Go for the best and leave everyone else in the dust.
I watched several videos on YouTube, borrowed some yarn and needles from my mom, and learned how to knit. It was tough. For some reason, my brain couldn’t wrap itself around the idea of using those needles and yarn to create something. My first few projects looked like crap, and I was about ready to give up, when I thought, “How about crochet?”
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