For anyone that may have been paying attention, I didn’t have a post on Friday. I just plain forgot. But what happens if you just need to take a day off? What if you’re just so under/overwhelmed, that you can’t write?
First of all, we can get burnt out… just read over the Writer’s block article I wrote last week. Sometimes, we need to build a little time in there for us to rest and recover. I chose to take the weekends for myself, maybe your choice would be three days off… or just write from 5am to Noon (I know, who the hell gets up that early? – I do.).
Whatever schedule you use, just remember: All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy. It’s not just a phrase, it’s a tenant for living. As you trudge through the jungle, hunting down that elusive prize, drenched in sweat from the effort, don’t forget to take a break and water yourself with a bit of fluff and fun. The trees are going to be there. The work is going the be there. The prize will still be there.
Just don’t go too far with the play…
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