packed-for-travelSo, are we ready to go on an adventure? What? Oh, yeah… we need to get some stuff ready before we go. Just can’t go wandering willy-nilly, can we? Let’s see… what are we going to need for our trip?

1. Travel accommodations / A story idea
2. How are we getting there? / Word processors
3. Machete, camp stove, etc… / Tools to use while writing
4. Trap defusers and alternate routes / Oh, NO! Writer’s block and plot holes
5. How to get that treasure back / Editing and more editing
6. Camera / Making a book cover
7. Choosing a museum / Which book format to go with: Print and/or E-book
8. Admission / How much to charge

Looks daunting, doesn’t it? But oh, so exciting, too. While our list isn’t all-inclusive, it’s a good start. Good thing about the trip we’re taking? It’s not restricted by any means… we can take our trip in pretty much any order we want to, without any worries about not reaching our intended goal.

Since I’m going on the adventure with you, I’ll be sharing everything I’m doing, as an example. As always, there’s never any need to raise your hand to ask questions or let me know how lost I’m getting us.